Caring Singapore

spread the love around

Sponsor a Child from World Vision Malaysia 01/05/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brian Chan @ 11:33 pm
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Recently after chatting with a friend Aimin and my ex teacher Mrs. Teoh, I found that they already sponsoring children for quite sometime, both through World Vision.

Aimin has a kid about 11 years old, Mrs Teoh has 3 !!! And through Mrs Teoh I found that sponsoring child from World Vision Malaysia is actually quite affordable. The cost is RM 600 per year / RM50 per month.

Since I am Malaysian, I decided to take up the Child sponsorship from World Vision Malaysia as referred by Mrs Teoh. RM50 per month is quite affordable, considering I work in Singapore and it will only cost me about SGD20 per month (exchange rate is about 1SGD:RM2.4 now).  What can you buy with SGD 20 in singapore? Or how easily you can save up SGD 20 ? Cut down just 1 restaurant meal per month, cut down 4 Mc Donald’s value meals, take 1 less cab, etc. It’s not difficult actually. But this amount could mean alot to the children waiting for our help.

If you are interested to follow my suit, you can visit for more information.

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